​​California Criminal Defense Attorneys

(310) 817-5899

Law Office of

​David Dastrup


DUI Defense

Traffic-Crimes Defense

Criminal Defense

The Practice of Law

FAQs for Legal Services

Q.)  Does hiring a lawyer guarantee that I will win my case?

A.)  No.

  • We want a favorable result, as do you. We wish that results could be guaranteed. However, the outcome of a contested legal issue is always unknown. No amount of special legal work can assure a dismissal. It simply does not work that way.

Q.)  If we lose the case, do I get a refund of the legal fees?

A.)  No.

  • Legal fees are for time and service, for legal work on your case. 
  • Legal fees cover operating costs, including staff, office space, phone bill, tools of the trade, legal research, consultations, time in court, etc.
  • Legal services are complete when the agreed to work is complete, not when there is a certain outcome. Usually, legal services end, or a case is over, at the outcome, when the rinal results are known. The end of services is not contingent upon the results.

Q.)  Why can't a lawyer guarantee a legal outcome?

A.)  Because the rules do not allow it, and neither does reality.

  • Lawyers are not allowed to guarantee the outcome of a contested legal issue. One party wins, the other party loses, or something in between.
  • There are many variables involved with a case, even things that should not affect the outcome but still do, for example:
    • People, like judges, jurors, witnesses, plaintiff, defendant, court clerks, bailiffs, audience, defense counsel, prosecutors; all of which may pull a case one way or another, even if not technically legal for it to occur in that way.
    • Facts may win, or legal procedures may lead to a win.
    • Trending public policy, local court practices, renewed vigor in enforcing old laws, disregard for current laws, and, yes, even the weather and viruses ...
  • ​To explain in another way, please consider something that we are all familiar with. Going to the doctor is wise and often helpful but creates no guarantee of health.
    • Notwithstanding the best medical practices, a virus can cause a global pandemics, a perfectly performed surgery can still lead to death, and the right prescription still has side effects. Yet, medical treatment is very valuable and often works out favorably. 
    • Legal services function in a similar manner. The majority of the time, it helps to have an attorney, and sometimes, you must have an attorney. Your attorney will practice law on your behalf, and defend you in court. However, no amount of legal work and no time or expertise can guarantee a favorable outcome. Hopefully, your case resolves well. 

Q.)  What are some of the other benefits to hiring an attorney?

A.)  Handling your the case the right way, asserting your constitutional rights, and pushing the government to be honest and proper.

In the least, you cannot ignore your case and a helping hand provides peace of mind. An attorney saves you from going to court, driving through traffic, paying for parking, waiting for the judge to call your case, and other things that add up to hours of work and costs, even on the smallest court case. More importantly, your attorney knows the best way to navigate the legal system, from years of experience and a working knowledge of the law.

From a broader perspective, the legal system is here for you, for the individual to fight the good fight. The government: police, prosecutors, and judges; needs individuals to challenge them every day. Every day, criminal defense attorneys are in court keeping the government honest. There must be consequences for anyone in power who does not use it properly. We appreciate the services the government provides. And, we cannot afford to leave the government unchecked. From this perspective, participation in the American legal system is the duty of every citizen.